| 1. | Although Marius has transformed, Selene rips out his spine, killing him instantly.
| 2. | "We want to show they did more than rip out people's hearts.
| 3. | "Birdshot rips out quite a bit of your flesh, " he said.
| 4. | According to Poetic Edda, Regin used Ridill to rip out Fafnir's heart.
| 5. | However, Chris runs; the creature catches him and rips out his heart.
| 6. | The refrigerator rips out of the wall and skids across the floor.
| 7. | He rips out Cole's actual heart and all goes dark for Cole.
| 8. | Rip out an article and paste it on the family bulletin board.
| 9. | It had to rip out the heart of the always passionate Irvin.
| 10. | I want to rip out his heart and feed it to him,